Become a Camp Hero
Our camp is open to all young people aged 8 to 16 years old who are ready for the physical and social dynamics of a 10-day residential camping program.
As a non-profit camp, our mission is to provide a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships, and develop confidence and skills for life.
We aim to keep camp fees as low as possible to ensure camp is accessible for all, but running a summer camp is quite expensive. Staffing, food costs, building maintenance, program supplies, transportation and so many other costs add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.
While Camper fees cover these costs for some, we rely on Camp Heroes like you to ensure that Camp Smitty is there for all Campers, and to keep the camp in good shape for the next century of children and youth.
You can choose to give from the examples on the right or provide a gift that’s meaningful to you and your family. Every dollar goes to helping children and youth experience the magic of Camp Smitty, in addition to the life-changing programs and services offered by BGC Ottawa.
Make a Donation